7 research outputs found

    The use of artificial intelligence in nephrology

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    Introduction and methods Artificial Intelligence(AI) is a relatively new branch of science that studies the display of intelligent behavior by machines and its use in advanced analysis and computation. Due to the potential use of AI, it has also been introduced into medicine and nephrology. The following article is an analysis of the current knowledge on the potential of AI in nephrology and its relevance to clinicians based on the latest publications contained in the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Stage of knowledge AI found its application in the prognosis of the development of IgA nephropathy thanks to the use of a neural network, which by analyzing the results of research and the drugs used in a large group of patients has learned to detect patients at high risk of developing severe complications at the beginning of the disease. What is more, AI makes it possible to detect DKD earlier and delay renal replacement therapy. In patients undergoing hemodialysis, artificial intelligence developed a model that calculated the appropriate duration of the procedure and adjusted drugs to control blood pressure. Another example of the use of AI is its use in relation to patients undergoing kidney transplantation. The AI calculates the beneficial concentration of an immunosuppressive drug specifically for a given patient, which allows clinicians to limit adverse effects. Summary AI is a breakthrough technology that is constantly being developed. Despite the high cost of implementing this technology, it is believed that it could represent the future of medicine and be a new way in treatment techniques and in the early detection of diseases in nephrology

    What does the future look like - home hemodialysis

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    Home hemodialysis (HHD) is a discovery from 1961 that is now experiencing a revival. It is a convenient and modern method of renal replacement therapy that allows the patient to undergo hemodialysis sessions at home. Due to the growing interest in home hemodialysis, we decided to present the potential of this renal replacement method, show both its benefits and complications resulting from its use. Undoubtedly, HHD has many benefits resulting mainly from the possibility of regulating the duration of the sessions and increasing their frequency. However, this method is also burdened with numerous complications. There are training courses in the use of HHD for patients who have just been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease as well as for patients undergoing dialysis using other methods. Appropriate patient selection is an important factor for the success of home therapy. There is a fierce battle in the home hemodialysis machine market. Manufacturers are outdoing each other in innovative technologies to ensure ease of use, trouble-free operation and minimize complications. The costs of home hemodialysis include more components than the dialysis treatment itself. Home hemodialysis gives patients comfort and independence above all. This is part of nephrology that undoubtedly requires a lot of work and development, but is certainly an invention of the 21st century

    Comparative analysis of the relations between temperament, coping styles, perceived manifest and latent functions of work and perceived organizational justice in the unemployed and the employed group

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    Praca pełni bardzo ważną rolę w życiu dorosłego człowieka. Brak zatrudnienia wpływa na funkcjonowanie jednostki w wielu sferach jej życia. Głównym celem tej pracy jest analiza porównawcza związków między temperamentem, radzeniem sobie, postrzeganiem jawnych i ukrytych funkcji pracy oraz sprawiedliwości organizacyjnej osób bezrobotnych i zatrudnionych. Badana grupa liczyła 60 osób. Badani zostali poproszeni o wypełnienie czterech kwestionariuszy: Kwestionariusz Sprawiedliwości Organizacyjnej (Collquit, 2001), CISS – Kwestionariusz Radzenia Sobie w Sytuacjach Stresowych (Strelau, Jaworska, 2020), Kwestionariusz LAMB (Wontorczyk, 2017) do pomiaru utajonych i jawnych korzyści pracy oraz Kwestionariusz PTS (Strelau, Zawadzki, 1998) do pomiaru temperamentu. Wyniki pokazały istotne różnice w przypadku kilku zmiennych pomiędzy grupami. Wykryto istotne statystycznie korelacje pomiędzy zmiennymi użytych narzędzi badawczych. Style radzenia sobie korelowały z temperamentem oraz postrzeganiem jawnych i ukrytych funkcji pracy w obu grupach badanych. Temperament korelował z postrzeganiem sprawiedliwości organizacyjnej w grupie osób bezrobotnych oraz postrzeganiem jawnych i ukrytych funkcji pracy w obu grupach badanych.Work is one of the most important activities of an adult person. Unemployment affects many areas of functioning. The main aim of this work is to measure and compare relations between temperament, coping styles, perception of manifest and latent functions of work and perceived organizational justice in unemployed and employed group. 60 people took part in the study. Subjects were asked to fill four questionnaires: Organizational Justice Scale Questionnaire (Collquit, 2001), CISS Questionnaire (Strelau, Jaworska, 2020) – measuring coping styles in stress situations, LAMB Questionnaire (Wontorczyk, 2017) – measuring manifest and latent functions of work and PTS Questionnaire (Strelau, Zawadzki, 1998) – measuring temperament. The results of this study shows important differences bettween two groups in only few of the variables. Significant correlations between variables of the used questionnaires were found between temperament and perceived organizational justice in the unemployed group and with perceived latent and manifest functions of work in both groups. Stress coping styles correlated with temperament and perceived latent and manifest functions of work in both groups

    A 41,500 year-old decorated ivory pendant from Stajnia Cave (Poland)

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    Evidence of mobiliary art and body augmentation are associated with the cultural innovations introduced by Homo sapiens at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic. Here, we report the discovery of the oldest known human-modified punctate ornament, a decorated ivory pendant from the Paleolithic layers at Stajnia Cave in Poland. We describe the features of this unique piece, as well as the stratigraphic context and the details of its chronometric dating. The Stajnia Cave plate is a personal 'jewellery' object that was created 41,500 calendar years ago (directly radiocarbon dated). It is the oldest known of its kind in Eurasia and it establishes a new starting date for a tradition directly connected to the spread of modern Homo sapiens in Europe